
Simple ways to reduce stress at work

1. Talk to a co-worker and keep the conversation positive. Ask for help if you need it.

2. Watch sports videos during lunch and short breaks.

3. Go outside and take a walk, even if its just for five minutes. Running wont hurt either.

4. Eat some healthy snacks or food. Dark chocolate is excellent.

5. Listen to audio books, or read a book.

6. Take pictures of the beautiful scenery around your work place.

7. Watch hilarious videos. You can easily find one on YouTube, Vine, Google, etc.

8. Find out what is stressing you, and try to change how you feel about it.

9. If you work standing up, try sitting down for a few minutes, and vice versa.

10. Read the news. Stay abreast with whats going on in the world to see the bigger picture.

11. Breathe in deeply, and out again. Do this for a few minutes.

12. Chew gum. Yes, its that simple.

13. Stretch your body. Stretch your muscles, legs, hands, etc.

14. Socialize and meet someone new at your work place.

15. Meditate.

16. Massage your neck, shoulders, and back with your hands.

17. Write in your journal. If you do not have one, write about your dream life.

18. Reminisce your past times, those euphoric moments when you felt alive.

19. Wash your face or your hands with cold water on hot days, and warm water on cold days.

20. Laugh out loud ( LOL!). Laughter is a great way to reduce stress.

21. Move away from your computer, smartphones, etc. and observe your surroundings.

22. Take your shoes off, and walk barefoot. Enjoy being barefooted for a minute.

23. Spin in your chair for a few seconds.

24. Do some pushups.

25. Reach out to one of your friends. Send an email or call them on your phone.

26. Look out the window and admire nature.

27. Drink some tea or coffee.

28. Eat lunch with your best co-workers and do not talk about work.

29. Turn on your favorite internet radio.

30. Pranks. ONLY the ones that will make people laugh and talk!

31. Re-organize and prioritize your tasks.

These are all simple stress reduction methods, and do not cost an arm and leg. Stress can negatively impact your life directly, and those around you indirectly. I hope these tips will help you reduce stress while you work, and improve your life.

How do you reduce stress at work? What can you add to this list?

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