30 April 2012 (Isnin) - Hari ini merupakan hari pertama HD di nursery baru. Nama nursery tu ialah Taska Sinar Kasih. Cikgu ada 2 orang. They seems very nice person. Soft spoken. Xde rasa mcm nak pk pelik2 la bila cakap ngan dorang nih. Ngee.. Harap dorg boleh jaga HD dengan baik.. Sadis sangat masa Mommy & Daddy hantar HD pagi tadi. Very the sadissss moment. Meraung2 beliau.. Sedeynya.. 1st time jumpa orang baru. Memang dia takut la.. Huk huk. Dapat report time after lunch tu, HD ok dah. Especially lepas tido. Terus ok. Lega.
Mommy lak kul 10+ dah balik umah sbb muntah2 kat opis. X sehat! Trus amek MC. Balik tido. Nak amek HD, Mommy takut x larat jaga coz i need a rest. Penawar? Ini saje...
Since HD dah sebulan jugak la asik batuk, so kali nih, Mommy pergi ke Klinik Kanak2 Ong atas saranan my boss. Mommy pegi lps Daddy balik keja. Nak kejar time klinik nih buka sbb time dorg nih agak unik.
Dr Ong Ah Lai
Consultant Paediatrician Pakar Kanak Kanak
[tepi Kenny Rogers area Ampang Point tu]
9am - 1pm
630pm - 9pm
9am - 1230am sahaja!
Agak ramai. Masa nak daftar, Mommy tgk sistem dia mcm agak lama sket. Too bad. Xle claim insurance AXHA [Health Connect]. [Dem!]
Maka, tunggu giliran. Mommy dapat no 11. Erghh.. perut dah meragam lapar. Agak lama jugak kena tunggu. Sementara tunggu tu, Mommy bia HD main2 dlu kt ctu..
Bila sampai giliran HD, org ckp JOM, dia bukan main laju ckp 'jomm..dommm..dommm'. Tapi, dh jumpa doc, mcm biasa la. Meronta dulu sebab takut doc apa2kan dia. Doktor Ong yang sgt calm [agak tua], suh HD duduk dlu atas penimbang. Kemudian baru doc check paru2 n etc. Meraung la HD. Daddy bertugas untuk alih perhatian beliau dengan mainan bunyi2 atas meja doc tu.. Diam la kejap. Haish.. Apa yg nak takut ntah ngan Doc wahai Hannah Damia oooiii..
Kemudian, Doc Ong terangkan kepada kami mengenai cara penggunaan 2 jenis inhaler dan bagaimana ia berfungsi.
2 jenis inhaler tersebut ialah
Salbutamol inhalers (Mommy punya green colour) are usually used to treat asthma symptoms when they happen. They're often called quick-relief inhalers. Researchers have also looked at whether using one of these inhalers regularly could prevent wheezing. Salbutamol helps relax the muscles in the lungs so that the airways open up, making it easier for children to breathe. Your doctor may call this drug abronchodilator,
because it dilates (opens up) the bronchial tubes (airways). Breathing in salbutamol is a good way to take the medicine, as the drug gets straight to the lungs, which is where it's needed. Brand names for salbutamol inhalers include Ventolin and Airomir. Young children are usually given this medicine through a spacer device attached to an inhaler or nebuliser. That's because it can be hard for them to use the same inhalers as older children. It can take quite a bit of coordination to press down on an inhaler and breathe in at the same time. [
Seretide inhalers (Mommy punya purple colour) Seretide is for inhalation only. Patients should be made aware that Seretide must be used regularly for optimum benefit, even when asymptomatic. Patients should be regularly reassessed by a doctor, so that the strength of Seretide received remains optimal and is only changed on medical advice. The dose should be titrated to the lowest dose at which effective control of symptoms is maintained. Where the control of symptoms is maintained with Seretide twice daily, titration to the lowest effective dose could include Seretide given once daily. Patients should be given the strength of Seretide containing the appropriate fluticasone propionate dosage for the severity of their disease. If a patient is inadequately controlled on inhaled corticosteroid therapy alone, substitution with Seretide at a therapeutically equivalent corticosteroid dose may result in an improvement in
asthma control. For patients whose asthma control is acceptable on inhaled corticosteroid therapy alone, substitution with Seretide may permit a reduction in corticosteroid dose while maintaining asthma control. [
Tips menggunakan aerochamber with inhaler.
1)Goncang inhaler 4-5 kali.
2)Buka penutup inhaler (dan juga penutup AeroChamber with mouthpiece).
3)Masukkan inhaler di belakang AeroChamber (make sure the inhaler canister is pointing up).
For the AeroChamber with mouthpiece:
Place the mouthpiece of the AeroChamber in your child’s mouth.
For the AeroChamber with mask:
Hold the mask snuggly over your child’s mouth and nose creating a seal (no leaks between mask and skin).
5)Tekan inhaler so that 1 puff of medication is released (never use more than one spray at a time).
For the AeroChamber with mouthpiece:
Have your child breathe in slowly and deeply (no whistling sound should be heard) to fill the lungs as much as possible.
For the AeroChamber with mask:
Keep holding the mask over the child’s face for 5-10 breaths (it’s OK if the child cries).
Repeat steps 1-6 for each puff of medication recommended.
When completed, remove the inhaler from the AeroChamber and replace the protective caps.
1) AeroChamber with mouthpiece
gugel pic |
gugel pic |
3) Salbutamol inhalers & Seretide inhalers.
Both dapat masa admit kat Pusrawi baru2 nih. Mengikut Doc Ong mlm td, dia suh pakai selama 3 bulan. Lihat perbezaan selepas itu. Please ignore apa yang people suka cakap as there is no side effect as long as follow the instruction. Mommy bertawakkal.
4) HD punya Aerochamber with mask [nak tunjuk jugak!]
since dia kecil lagi, kena pakai mask type.
oh ya.. Nak cuci, SILA JANGAN BERUS/GOSOK/SPAN bahagian dalam. Juz rendam ngan air sabun & basuh2 gitu je. Yang bahagian luar xpe nak cuci camne pn. Sebab, bahagian dalam tu a bit sensitif. Takut salbutamol / seretide x sampai masa sedut.
Step guna kedua2 jenis inhaler
1. Dah baca tips menggunakan aerochamber with inhaler di atas kan? So, mula2 gunakan Salbutamol inhalers [hijau]
2. Sila bilang sampai 10.. Jangan lupa count masa fan atas tu bergerak.
3. Kendian baru Seretide inhalers [purple]
4. Sama jugak. Bilang ya. Satu puff dah cukup kata doc. Please ensure ada gap utk setiap inhaler.
So far, HD sangat bekerjasama dalam proses healing nih. Harap2 dia sihat la pasnih.
Oh ya.. ada 2 jenis ubat yang Doc Ong bagi since inhaler dah ada kat umah.
Harga? RM175.. Tsskkk.. Termasuk consultation la...
Singulair nih cuma minum time malam sahaja. Sebab HD slalu batuk waktu malam. So either mix with susu or juz bancuh dalam air 2ml. Sket je serbuk singulair nih. Pernah minum dah dlu masa HD admit di Sentosa Hospital due to kahak bagai tuh..